Chaldean Community Foundation – ASL Drivers Education

The Chaldean Community Foundation (CCF) was awarded funding for technology to support drivers training for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. This population can request ADA accommodations when testing for a drivers license but must meet the same driver education requirements as every other new driver. CTN grant funds will be used to purchase a virtual reality indoor simulator that will allow students a real experience of being present in the driver’s seat: speed, braking and vibration. An American Sign Language (ASL) staff instructor with volunteer assistance will teach the Drivers Education course. CCF will also use its funds to provide supporting technology, books, marketing, and outreach.

CCF serves over 900 adults with disabilities, providing white cane training and navigating: ASL/ESL, Braille reading skills, life-skills training, Braille computer keyboard training, Braille computer literacy, social opportunities, choir for deaf and hard of hearing, and health and wellness for adults with disabilities.
